
Key informant
  • Ruslan Poverga, CEO A.O. “Iniţiativa Pozitivă”
Sources of information
  • WHO HIV Fact Sheet:
  • Analytics of Laws and Policies of Moldova (UNAIDS):
  • World Self Testing Status (WHO):
References to additional information

Monitoring HIV control in Moldova:

Situation with HIVST in the country

Are HIV self-testing kits registered in the country?
What type of tests?
Saliva and blood

NATIONAL GUIDELINES FOR HIV / AIDS TESTING, adopted by the order of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Moldova, no. 409 from 03/16/2018
Sales to the country
How many HIV self-testing kits are conducted per year?
Over the past three years, approximately 5000 saliva self-tests have been performed annually
Monitorizarea controlului infecției HIV în Republica Moldova, anul 2018, 2019,
Does the protocol for HIV testing include HIV self-testing?
Algorithm of actions after receiving HIV + self-test result
After a positive self-test, a standard confirmation algorithm is applied - two rapid tests on capillary blood and one test on VL GeneXpert
Whether HIV self-testing kits are sold in a pharmacy?
Not yet
Whether HIV self-testing kits are sold online?
Not yet
Projects in the country (last 3 years)
Testing of risk groups (IDUs, SWs, MSM, prisoners) is routinely carried out within the framework of a project funded by the Global Fund; testing is carried out through NGOs, using both capillary blood and saliva tests. The testing itself is planned from 2021 and is included in a new grant from the GF

A SERVICIILOR DE PREVENIRE HIV ÎN MEDIUL POPULAȚIILOR-CHEIE, INCLUSIV A TINERILOR DIN ACESTE GRUPURI, Aprobat prin Ordinul MSMPS nr.278 din 18.03.2020 Cu privire la aprobarea Standardului de organizare și funcționare a serviciilor de prevenire HIV în mediul populațiilor-cheie, inclusiv a tinerilor din aceste grupuri
Country studies (last 3 years)
Biobehavioral study used rapid blood tests, but not for self-testing.
Information and media campaigns to promote HIV self-testing (last 3 years)
Self-testing (saliva) has been promoted only in NGOs working in the field of harm reduction programs since 2012.
Self-test tests were not issued in Moldova until December 2020.
Project Plans / Campaigns / HIV self-testing studies 2021 and beyond
For the period 2021-2023, information campaigns are planned from the money of the GF grant, both for risk groups and for other vulnerable groups, as well as the general population.

From 2021, self-testing tests will be available for all key groups (IDUs, SWs, MSM, TG, prisoners, discordant couples, as well as for the general population.