Key informants
- Andrei Senikh, Executive Director, Stronger Together, Association for Assisting People Living with HIV
- Vesna Ilievska Utevska, project coordinator, HERA organization
Sources of information
- WHO HIV Fact Sheet:
- North Macedonian Law and Policy Analytics (UNAIDS):
- World Self Testing Status (WHO):
References to additional information
- Annual program to protect the population of North Macedonia from HIV infection for 2020:
Situation with HIVST in the country
Are HIV self-testing kits registered in the country?
What type of tests?
Sales to the country

How many HIV self-testing kits are conducted per year?
Does the protocol for HIV testing include HIV self-testing?
Algorithm of actions after receiving HIV + self-test result
Whether HIV self-testing kits are sold in a pharmacy?
Whether HIV self-testing kits are sold online?
Projects in the country (last 3 years)
1. Sustainability of Services for Key Populations in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, funded by the Public Health Alliance - Ukraine.
2. "Activities for HIV outreach testing among key populations" - MoH, National Prevention Program
A pilot for HIV self-testing was planned for 2020, but was not implemented due to the Covid-19 situation and due to the fact that the planned procurement of tests for self-testing at the national level was not implemented. However, a brochure is being prepared in preparation for piloting, which will include a self-test kit and guidance.
2. "Activities for HIV outreach testing among key populations" - MoH, National Prevention Program
A pilot for HIV self-testing was planned for 2020, but was not implemented due to the Covid-19 situation and due to the fact that the planned procurement of tests for self-testing at the national level was not implemented. However, a brochure is being prepared in preparation for piloting, which will include a self-test kit and guidance.
Country studies (last 3 years)
A study on HIV self-testing among gay men and other men who have sex with men in the Republic of North Macedonia: attitudes, acceptability within the framework of the Sustainability of Services for Key Populations in Eastern Europe and Central Asia project funded by the Alliance Public Health - Ukraine
Information and media campaigns to promote HIV self-testing (last 3 years)
Project Plans / Campaigns / HIV self-testing studies 2021 and beyond
Pilot HIV self-testing scheduled for 2021
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