Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. 333


Key informant
  •  Artem Movsesyan, coordinator of the project “Prevention of HIV and AIDS among MSM, LGBT, CSW in Armenia”, coordinator of health projects, New Generation Humanitarian NGO
  • Sergey Gabrielyan, president, New Generation Humanitarian NGO
Sources of information
  • Orasure
  • WHO HIV Fact Sheet: https://cfs.hivci.org/country-factsheet.html
  • Armenian Law and Policy Analytics (UNAIDS): http://lawsandpolicies.unaids.org/country?id=ARM&lan=en
  • World Self Testing Status (WHO): https://www.who.int/hiv/topics/self-testing/HIVST-policy_map-jul2019-a.png?ua=1
Links to additional information

Situation with HIVST in the country

Are HIV self-testing kits registered in the country?
What type of tests?
Sales to the country
2020 - 17750
2021 - 20000
How many HIV self-testing kits are conducted per year?
Nearly 13,000 tests provided by NGOs
Does the protocol for HIV testing include HIV self-testing?
Yes, HIV self-testing is included in the treatment protocol, but saliva self-testing can be done only in the presence of peer-to-peer consultant
Algorithm of actions after receiving HIV + self-test result
Steps: 1. Saliva self-test (conducted by NGO)
2. Rapid blood test (conducted by the AIDS center)
3. Immunoassay analysis (conducted by the AIDS center)
4. Immunoblot (conducted by the AIDS center)
Whether HIV self-testing kits are sold in a pharmacy?
Продаются ли в онлайн?
Projects in the country (last 3 years)
1. "HIV Prevention among MSM" - Humanitarian NGO "New Generation"
2. "HIV Prevention among trans*people" - Humanitarian NGO "New Generation"
3. "HIV Prevention among CSW" - Humanitarian NGO "New Generation"
4. "HIV Prevention among PWID" - NGO "Real World, Real People"

Elton John AIDS Foundation
1. "HIV and AIDS prevention among MSM, LGBT people, CSW and PWID in the regions of Armenia" - Humanitarian NGO "New Generation"

AFEW Key Communities Emergency Fund
1. "HIV prevention among MSM, LGBT people and CSW in the regions of Armenia" - Humanitarian NGO "New Generation"
Country studies (last 3 years)
1."Needs assessment among MSM and trans * people in Armenia" - 2016.
Humanitarian NGO "New Generation"
Project: "Health can be bought for money if funds are pledged."
Robert Carr Foundation.

2. “Cascade of continuous care for MSM in connection with HIV infection in Armenia” - 2018.
Humanitarian NGO "New Generation"
Project: "The Right to Health".
Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity (ECOM).

3. HIV Biological Behavioral Surveillance Surveys (IBBS) - 2018.
Biobehavioral studies of key groups have been conducted in Armenia every two years since 2012.
Thanks to the advocacy campaigns carried out by NPNGO, trans * people were included in IBBS-2018 as a separate group.
Due to COVD-19, IBBS was not held in 2020 and was postponed to 2021.
4. MSMIT - Integration of Practical Guidelines for the Implementation of Comprehensive HIV and STI Programs among MSM in Armenia - 2019.
Humanitarian NGO "New Generation"
Project: "The Right to Health".
Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity (ECOM).

5. TRANSIT - Integration of practical guidelines for the implementation of comprehensive HIV and STI programs among trans * people in Armenia - 2019.
Humanitarian NGO "New Generation"
Project: "The Right to Health".
Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity (ECOM).

6. “Cascade of continuous care for MSM in connection with HIV infection in Armenia” - 2019.
Humanitarian NGO "New Generation"
Project: "The Right to Health".
Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity (ECOM).

7. "Cascade of continuous HIV care for MSM in Armenia" - 2020.
Humanitarian NGO "New Generation"
Project: "The Right to Health".
Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity (ECOM)
Information and media campaigns to promote HIV self-testing (last 3 years)
Video about HIV and the importance of testing - NGO "New Generation"
Project Plans / Campaigns / HIV self-testing studies 2021 and beyond
IBBS study

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. ddd